UM-Forward is a collective of United Methodist liberationists fiercely committed to advancing POC+Q+T liberation through an intersectional, enfleshed, and anti-colonial framework. Our organizational identity is rooted in the “Loved and Liberated” Proclamation.
What are we building?
We envision a vibrant church boldly living out the Gospel with the uncompromising integrity of Jesus’ love ethic of full inclusion and affirmation—a church set free from the sins of injustice, oppression, and discrimination.
We are building the beloved community of the kin-dom for the sake of the world.
Why do we exist?
We are called to make a faithful future irresistible: creating and shaping a way of collective flourishing, intersectional justice, transformative healing, and liberating love. UM-Forward exists to:
Lead the church into celebration of queerness and of the holiness and beauty of POC+Q+T people.
Advance liberation of marginalized people, particularly POC+Q+T, through intersectional justice.
Propel The United Methodist Church forward toward perfection in a way that does not settle for incremental change.
Challenge the establishment and resist calls for moderation, centrism, and compromise on the sacred worth of God’s people.
Proclaim joy and bless PoC+Q+T spirituality.
What grounds our mission + vision?
Theologically-Prophetic Vision emerging from the intersection of Wesleyan, liberation, and queer theologies.
Intersectional Justice and intentional centering of the margins.
Radical Solidarity as a responsibility rooted in our mutual connection and interdependence.
Beloved Community inspired by the extravagant grace and Resurrection hope of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Liberation.
Mutual Accountability grounded in collaborative, horizontal leadership.
Queerness as a spiritual, ethical, and evangelical (and not only sexual) orientation rooted deeply in the biblical witness of the non-complicit, non-conforming, non-conventional, and non-compromising Jesus of Nazareth.
Stewardship of our planet’s finite and precious resources.
Join us on: Twitter: @UM_Forward
Instagram: @UM_Forward
Facebook: @UM-Forward