Ain’t I a Christian?
photo credit: “Cristo da Barra Funda” by Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, São Paulo, Brasil.
Theological, Moral, and Ecclesiological Ground of the Simple Plan
Silence often is mistaken for consent. As The United Methodist Church prepares for the 2019 Special General Conference, and the One Church Plan gains momentum, we cannot remain silent. We cannot offer our blessing to a compromise plan that still permits discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Christians. While we recognize and give thanks for the hard and holy work done by the Commission on a Way Forward and the Council of Bishops, we lament any denominational future that does not seek justice for all Christians, and so we call on our denomination to seek yet a better way forward.
All three plans proposed by the Commission on a Way Forward have significant theological, moral and ecclesiological flaws: the Traditionalist Plan expands enforcement of oppression; the Connectional Church Plan resurrects the racist logic of the Central Jurisdiction; and the One Church Plan sanctions segregation regionally. Taken together, these plans either completely eliminate the quintessential connectional nature of our denomination, or keep us on a path towards localized congregationalism or flat out schism. How can we remain a connected denomination if identity-based segregation is condoned and enshrined in our doctrine?
While the compromise One Church Plan may be politically expedient, it remains theologically and morally bankrupt. Although it is better than the denomination’s current position, we reject gradualism as a legitimate strategy in seeking justice. We favor long-term justice over illusory short-term political gains, and we cannot endorse doctrines that favor some over the wellbeing of all. Moreover, we reject false unity and oneness premised on the notion that optional exclusions are necessary for the sake of the whole. We believe, with the Apostle Paul, that no member of the Body of Christ, and no conference of the church, can say to another, “I have no need of you” (1 Corinthians 12:12–27).
We advance and endorse, therefore, The Simple Plan to remove all restrictive language that excludes LGBTQIA+ Christians from full participation in the life of The United Methodist Church. Our experience of God’s blessings in the lives and loves of LGBTQIA+ persons, along with our first General Rule to “do no harm,” ground this proposal. We offer this statement as an act of conscience, biblical obedience, and principled commitment to the love ethic of Jesus Christ.
Human beings have always been fighting for recognition as human beings. We know this to be true of the first tenders of the American soil and its first inhabitants, Native Americans. We also hear it in the heart-wrenching cries of immigrants who have been cruelly torn apart from their loved ones by current U.S. government. During these present days when evil spreads like malignant cancer, once again our denomination, which grounds itself in its Christian identity and social holiness, is prepared to sanction discrimination. How is it that the Church is willing to perform theologically unsound litmus tests to cherry pick who is or is not Christian? Hearing echoes from Sojourner Truth’s groundbreaking “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech, we have come to the point of asking: Does The United Methodist Church not consider LGBTQIA+ members Christians?
Although we are baptized Christians—received by local congregations into full membership through professions of faith and vows of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness—the Church through the Discipline’s language renders LGBTQIA+ second-class citizens. On the one hand, in Article IV of the Constitution, "The United Methodist Church acknowledges that all persons are of sacred worth"; on the other hand, in the Social Principles, the Church reaffirms the imago Dei in all persons, and then condemns homosexuality. This contradiction, embedded in the incompatibility clause, denies the Christianity of queer people.
The United Methodist Church through the Discipline’s language demonstrates its inability to recognize the expansive presence of God’s life and giftedness in non-normative persons. Once again in its history, The UMC is immobilized and diminished in the service of God. We invoke into our condition the irateness of Frederick Douglass in his address “The Meaning of the Fourth of July for the Negro”: "your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up [the brutal derelictions against our humanity]."
At the July 2018 convocation of the Love Your Neighbor Coalition in St. Louis, Missouri, titled after the hymn “For Everyone Born,” renewed dissent to this discrimination emerged, inspired by plenary addresses, Bible Study, and worship. Building upon decades of organizing and resistance, and in view of the momentous decisions that will be made in February, we declare the inadequacy of the compromise One Church Plan, and we propose a simpler, more just alternative. Underlying this One Church Plan is the presumption that ‘church unity’ must come at all costs and that the preservation of The UMC, in its current form, is paramount.
We stand firmly on the righteous teachings of Ada María Isasi-Díaz who reminded us in her classic work Mujerista Theology--A Theology for the Twenty-First Century: “Mutuality asks us to give serious consideration to what the other is saying, not only to respect it but to be willing to accept it as good for all” [emphasis ours]. There can be no unity or oneness when harm is continuously done to members of our so-called united body. We profess that the approach of “church-unity-at-all-costs” exchanges theological integrity for political expediency and does harm to those already marginalized in our beloved church:
Historically, we have been down a similar path before. In 1939, when the Methodist Episcopal Church and Methodist Episcopal Church, South, reunited after slavery, the compromise position resulted in the segregation of African Americans. Not only does the Connectional Church Plan call for the creation of non-geographical jurisdictions, but also the One Church Plan would allow conferences the ability to choose discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Christians. Similar to the Church's past sanctioning of segregation, both plans protect the Church’s choice to maintain the superiority of heterosexuals in certain geographic locations. In allowing “Boards of Ordained Ministry and bishops who choose not to credential or ordain self-avowed practicing homosexual persons” permission to object to and deny the call of God upon the lives of LGBTQIA+ persons, the One Church plan would give license to the geographical segregation of its clergy members and ongoing harm to the full body of Christ. This is antithetical to the Christian faith and the gospel message of love found in the ministry of Christ. As Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ... Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
Ethically, we appeal to our Church to choose to do no harm. We implore our leaders to awaken their consciences to the brutal consequences of granting permission for discrimination justified by blasphemous faith claims about inherent human superiority. This false logic underpinned theological arguments supporting the global slave trade and U.S. slavery, and today is demonstrated in the behavior and words of the murderers of trans women. Such blasphemy requires repentance and not restoration in new guises.
Theologically, we find the concept of “conscientious objection” embedded in the One Church Plan to be dubious and duplicitous. Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word sets free those who are oppressed. The Bible gives us clues to the fullness of Jesus, who is God-consciousness. But the totality of Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God, always transcends what we find written in human words. It is for this reason that the earliest Christian theologians set forth the example of interpreting scripture according to life, character, and continuing revelation of Jesus. The United Methodist Doctrinal Standards affirm this mode of interpretation. In particular the “Confession of Faith of the Evangelical United Brethren Church” states plainly in Article IV: “We believe that the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments, reveals the Word of God” (2016 Book of Discipline, ¶ 104, page 73). We stand firmly on the broad theological perspective of John Wesley who “believed that the living core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason” (2016 Book of Discipline, ¶ 105, page 82).
Scripturally, the unity to which we are called is premised on adopting the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5), and Jesus established the standard for recognizing bearers of the gospel: “you will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15). Institutionalized discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Christians has wrought division and harm, yet queer persons have continued to bear forth the fruits of the Spirit in their lives and in their loving. At present, there is a failure of courage to love within The UMC. It is time, then, that the policies and practices of The UMC be modeled on the wisdom of early Christian communities that declared, "Perfect love casts out fear ... you cannot love God and hate others ... if we love God, we must love others in the faith." (1 John 4:18–21).
Intersectionally, we observe in the Traditionalist Plan the impulse toward increased enforcement and policing. If approved, it will harm those already most marginalized in our churches. We know this both from America’s history and present-day, where the logic of ever-expanding policing disproportionately harms people of color. Likewise, the legalistic, punitive spirit of the Traditionalist Plan will exacerbate the distrust and abuses endemic to overlapping systems of discrimination, such as racism, sexism, class, and ableism. Therefore, we unequivocally reject any notion of justice that aims at the policing of already vulnerable bodies and that gives preference to punitive rather than transformative measures of accountability.
Ecclesiologically, the Simple Plan preserves the connectional nature of our denomination by striving to uphold shared standards and values of human dignity and divine worth across the connection.
Yes, “there is still a more excellent way,” as the Apostle Paul declared at the start of his famous Love Poem to the churches at Corinth. We seek this way. And we believe that the Simple Plan is the first faithful step along this path.
Authors and Contributors:
Rev. Jay Williams, Ph.D. (Lead Writer)
Rev. Tyler Schwaller, Th.D.
Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, M.Div. (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Althea Spencer-Miller, Ph.D.
Rev. Traci West, Ph.D.
Rev. Pamela Lightsey, Ph.D.
Rev. Anna Blaedel, M.Div., Ph.D. candidate
Rev. M Barclay, M.Div.
Rev. Alka Lyall (General Conference Delegate)
Elisa Gatz (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Austin L. Adkinson (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Vicki Woods
Rev. Martha E. Vink (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Lois McCullen Parr
Rev. Daryl Blanksma
Rev. Scott Summerville
Rev. Rachel Birkhahn-Rommelfanger
Karen G. Prudente (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Gregory D Gross, MSW, MDiv. (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Sue Laurie
Mark A. Miller
Rev. Vicki Flippin (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Ryan M. Russell
Rev. Britt Cox
Brian Kleber
Joy L. Butler
Chett Pritchett
Rev. Anthony Fatta
Rev. Anna Voinovich
Rev. Kevin Kim Wright
Ann Craig (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Jeremy Smith (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Lea A. Matthews
Rev. Dr. Monica Corsaro
Rev. Bea Fraser-Soots
Pastor Jordan Harris
Dr. Dorothee Benz (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Brian Adkins (member of the Special Commission on the Way Forward)
Peter Jabin, M. Div., Diaconal Minister
Pastor Dion Marquit
Kevin Highfield
Rev Elizabeth Jones
Phillip Valdes, certified candidate
Rev. Ardis Letey
Rev. Mark Thompson
Rev. Wongee Joh
Rev. Bonnie Beckonchrist
Reverend Brenda S. Wills
Rachel Black
Rev. Jani Darak-Druck
Reverend Dr. Sara Thompson Tweedy
Rev. C. Michele Johns
Rev. Dr. Hermon L. Darden
Rev. J Michael Cobb
Rev. Karen Eiler
Rev. Dr. Julie Todd
Dr. Charlene Floyd
Kaiyra Greer
Rev. Dr. Emily B. Hall
Rev. Bruce Lamb
Dr. Kenneth J. Guest
Rev. Nea Stepp
Rev. Dr. Ronna Case
Peggy Griffin-Jackman
Rev. Matt Schaeffer
Rev. Ronald Tompkins
Mary Edwards-Ransom
Rev. Thomas P. Carney
Nancy Meyers
Rev. Richard E. Edwards
Pastor Kathleen Meyerson
Rev. Siobhan Sargent
Tim Kobler
Rev Dr Rick Schlosser
Rev. Dr. Richard Moman
Steven Bigden-Russell
Rev. Laura J. Young
Kelly Shoenfelt
Regina Cheatum
Rev. Julia Puac-Romero
Rev. Dr. Donald H. Wallick Jr.
Rev. Karen S. Cook
Robert Bigden-Russell
Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown
Rev. Sean McRoberts
Grace Puy
Rev. Kathleen Reynolds
Deaconess Irene DeMaris
the Rev. Dr. Rick L. Miller
Toni Vessey
Shelby Ruch-Teegarden
Rev. Roger Wolsey
Adam Marshall-Lopez (certified candidate)
Rev. Jane Simms Lawrence
Nancy A. Dunst, lay person
Rev. Andrew Davis
Rev. Mary A. Kelly
Randi K. Robinson
Rev. Dr. K Karpen
Andrew Millman
Rev. Roselin Runnels
Rev. Brett Isernhagen (General Conference delegate)
Tiffany M. French (General Conference delegate)
Rev. Dr. Dawnne Woody
Rev. Enger Muteteke
Rev. Dr. Charles Alkula
Andrew Gladstone-Highland, MDiv, MSW
Pastor Mimi Magee
Sarah Cobb
Rev. Sadie Stone
Laura Ralston
Rev. V. Mitchell Hay
Julie A. Arms Meeks
Curtis Lowell Bewley
David Miller
Elizabeth Brault
Rev. B. J. Birkhahn-Rommelfanger
Bill Mefford
Rev. Mark Marino
Rev. Luis F. Reyes
Allyn Glenn-Angell
Deaconess Julie Smith
Rev. Dr. Deborah K. Stevens
Mavis Ann Barliw
Rev. Mary Klaehn
Rev. Larry W. Sonner
Rev. Linda M Willey
John Paul Cleveland
Rev. Jeanelle Nicolas Ablola
Rev. Justin White
Rev. Colleen Hallagan Preuninger (General Conference Delegate)
Bobbie Gosnell
Rev. Dr. Toby Gould
Rev. Gary Nims
Mary E. Oshei
Rev. Ben A. David Hensley
Rev. Deborah Pitney
David Armstrong (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. John Pitney
Stephen J. Allen
Rev. Doug Cunningham
Rev. Marylee Fithian
Pastor Tracy Cook
Megan Blizzard
Rev. Susan Chadwick
Rev. Pamela Buchholz, Deacon
Rev. Wesley White
Rev. Dr. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell
Rev. David Miron, Deacon
Rev. Victoria Reed Bailey
Rev. Dr. John G. Brown III
Rev. Allie Scott
Rev. Sara Ewing-Merrill
Rev. James F. McIntire, JD, MDiv
Rev. Dr. Ariel Ferrari, Ph D
Rev. Ralph W. Mueckenheim
Timothy Montequin
David Reynolds
Amory Peck
Ian Carlos Urriola, M.Div. (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill
B. C. Wendland
Kim Oswald
William Redding
Ann W. Hunt, Retired Clergy
Bunnie Bryant
Mary Hankins
Rev. Jordan Scruggs
Rev. Heather Williams
Amanda Wooldridge
Mrs. Caroline Morrison
Aaron Taylor Pazan
Sandra Lippert
David E. Braden
Rev. Linda Butler
Sylvia Greene
Rev. Jerry Avise-Rouse
Jacqui Zeng
Rev. Dr. Catherine N Davis
Jason Redick
Rev. Steven J. Sprecher
Rev. Judith Baskin
Rev. Doris K. Dalton
Pastor Dan Levine
Rev. Kathryn J. Johnson
Ann Barlow
Rev. Bradley Burns, Mdiv
Rev. Billie Watts
Rev. Jane Graner
Marguerite K Jhonson
Janet Grace Thomas
Kerry Kirtley
Rev. Dr. Douglas Wingeier
Rev. Dr. William B. Daylong
Rev. Paul Perez
Rev. JillAnn Knonenborg
Pat Schutz
Rob Canora
Rev. David W. Meredith*
Carl F. Gilmore
Dr. Jeanette Belz
Michael Blayne Burleson-Raney
Dr. Sharon LeDuc
Rev. Jan F. Selby
Linda Elam Young
Rev. Amy Stapleton
Barbara Stinson
Rev. Trudy Brady
Melissa Lauber
Rev. Matt Seargeant
Rev. Johan Dodge
Rev. Scott Spencer
Rev. Dave Bean
Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Stephens
Rev. Jarell Wilson
Lauren Michelle Stevens
Rev. Sherrie Lowly
Rev. Luana Cook Scott
Rachel Jennings
Jeri Dotson Silfies
Rev Jonathan Heifner
Rev. William F. Todd
Lauren Rowello
Rev. Dr. Mark Y. A. Davies
Rev. Jack K. King
Alisa K. Isaacs-Bailey
Rev. Kaleigh Corbett
Rev. Mark C Cordes
Erika Heald
Rev. Jeni Markham Clewell
Colleen McRoberts
Rev. Paul Jeffrey
Rev. Glynden Bode
Rev. Beth Newton Watson
Jeremy T. Mills
Rev. Will Nichols
Ann Howard
Amy Welch
Janet Boone
Mary Taylor
Tanis Nicklasch
Lucina Hallagan
Rev. Kristin Stoneking
Mark Parsons-Justice
Michelle LeCompte
Rev. Nicole Anderson
Alli Moore
Suzanne Wallis Funk
Patti Charlton
Peggy Ann Rose
Rev. Vivian Waltz, Deacon
Rev. Richard H. Hibbert
Lindsay Drake
Mary J Foster
Rev. Joey Heath-Mason
Rev. Marilyn Roberts, Ret.
Tim Gossett
Rev. Dr. Javier A. Viera
Trust Alexander Hilton
Hether McCuistion
Rev. Maria-Pia Seirup
Joseph C.Tigner, Ph.D.
Rev. Katie Stickney
Rev. Barbara. Nixon
Kathleen Harrington
Rev. Dr. Mary Jo Sims
Rev. Karen Dammann
Tiffany R. Isaacs Shields
Erin M. Fruits
Cheryl Selvey
Linda Bales Todd
Pastor Marissa van der Valk
Rev. Jared Gadomski Littleton
Jade L. Dell
Rev. Cynthia Good
Rev. Deborah Ingraham
Rev. Christine Humrichouse, Deacon
Debi VanDenBoom
Christine Ransom
Rev. Renaldo Z Azotea
Maggie Carr
Dr. Mary Lou Taylor
Dr. Otto Frederick Onasch
Rev. Cathy Weigand
Amber Hecko
Rev. James E Brooking
Scott Thede
Rev. Dr. Jeanne Gayle Knepper
Lisa Trigg
MJ Grimshaw Lay Person
Dr. Jim Isaacs
Sarah Morgan
Denise Thede
Rev. Rafael Garcia
Judy Thoma
Rev. Robin Wells
Rev. Dr. Christina Wright
Sharon Coyner
Rev. Dr. Richard H. Gentzler, Jr.
Rev. Henrietta Klarenbeek
Kathy Young
Marion Hamilton Sachdeva
Lauren Wise Loonsfoot
Anita Edenfield
Joan E. Gardner
Bailey Stinson
Rev. Jennifer Berry
Rev. Morris V. Fleischer
Jim Searls
Rev. Isaac Collins
Steve Novy
Rev. Wendy A. Witt
Pastor Emily Pickens-Jones
Rev. Sharon L Moe (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Nancy R. Pauls
Rev. Paul Mitchell
Brinna Kolitz
Ms. Monet
Rev. James T. Dawes
Rev. Stephen Tarr
Pastor Lyda Eddington
Amie Bailey
Rev. Matthew Pearson
Teresa Grunewald
Rev. Forrest Shelton Clark
Larry S. McNatt
Rev Ann Spindt Henschel
Donald A. Nelson
Rev. R. Kevin LaGree
Rev. Angela Rotherham
Edmund Hansen
Kathryn Hansen
Mary Kaplan
Leonard Kaplan
Rev. DeLane D. Wright
Patty LaGree, layperson
Robert A Hulse
S. Dewhitt Hall
Alisha Wickham
Erik Day
Rev. Joe Miller, Jr.
John Alexander
Pastor Phil Sheets
Rev. Janet E Eggleston
Martha B Rinne
Marilyn Culler
Julia R. Tulloch
Rev. Meg Queior
Rev. Dr. Matthew L. Kelley
Rev Laura Blauvelt
Angel Rivero
Pastor Angie Cox
Emma T. G. Starr
Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Gangler
Cynda Mellish
M Laura ahalley
Rev. Judy Guion-Utsler, Ph.D.
Rita A Carter
Rev. Dr. Beverlee Bell
Devin Gardner
Rev. Brian E. Carter
Rev. Andrea Brown
Ann Freeman Price
Eloise M. Cranke
Jane Bond
Rev. Dr. David Stout
Rev. Dr. John Elford
Lesley Pilcher
Rev. Heather M. Baker-Mcallister
Rev. Jayne C.
Ruth Fischer
Kim Donnelly Summers
Rev. Donna Aros
Marcia Young
Rev. Eric Doolittle
Dennis Beasley (General Conference Delegate)
Rev. Tina S. Lang
Larry Marshall
Lora Lea Edwards (in memory of my dad Rev. Dr. Eugene Hancock who fought for the dissolution of the Central Jurisdiction)
Susan Vrabec
Darrin Wasniewski
Rev. Susanna Weslie Southard
Darius James
Kim Kay Holt
Susan E Dehm
Robert Schotter
Kimberly D. Carroll
Brian Webb
Kristin Harper
Rev. Medea A. Saunders
Rev. Marcia Hauer
Randall Funk (General Conference Delegate)
JoBeth Allen
Rev. Audrey Myers
Matthew Crane
Kathy L Carpenter
Rev. Dr. Dana Wimmer
Rev. Lisa May
Marja Barger
Roanne Wallace
Julie Taylor
Lindsey Summers Reynolds
Rev. Beth D. Glass
Mike Wright-Chapman
Rev. E. Tracy Hunter
Karlie McWilliams
Rev. Brandon Berg
Carolyn Uhlenhake Walker
David Bloss
Lynn Calvert
Rev. John A. Carr
Rev. Karina Feliz
Jeannette Hicks
Rev. Barbara C. Wiechel
Rev. Rob Hernan
Jeanne E. Fox
Judith S. Darak
Deaconess Amanda Mountain
Amy Delaney RN
Joy Watts
William Watts
Dr. Robin Asbury
Jennifer Kelley
Mae Orkisz
Sarah Sumners
Daniel Miranda
John Keith
Glenda Keith
Bert Morris
Rev. Sebastian Maria Niedźwiedziński
Lorna K Jost
Patty Jacobson
Michael D. Brubaker, MDiv, PhD
Rev. David A. Morris
Kathleen V. Colbert
Rev. Carole L. Vincent
Jim Pritchett
Elizabeth schwalbe
Marilyn fuller
Rev. Josh Langille-Hoppe
Annie Burton
Susan Pironti
Rev. Dr. Jill L. Sanders
Willard A. Robinson
Craig Rutherford
Rev. Dr. T.L. Steinwert
Rev. Deborah Lewis
Rev. Dr. Mary Kay Totty
P. Adkins
Rev. Dr. Peggy Click
Krista Tweed
Dr. Russell W. Darnall
Mr. T. N. Tibbatts
Mrs. A. Tibbatts
Diane DeWitt Hall
Rev. Dr. George R. Crisp, Retired
Rev. William Ranney
Pastor Melody Webb
Dr. Jennifer Longobardi
Daniel E. Sagramoso
Pam Selthun
Rev. Dr. Christy Thomas
Rev. Karen A. Burger
Rev. Karen Rhoades Welling
Betty Sayner
Rev. Norman V. Wasson
Patricia Crouch
Rev. Dr. Jessica Anschutz
Deborah Blaedel
Rev. Margaret E. Clemons
Bette Jo Brubaker
Rev. Hal Vink
Deborah Blaedel
Mark Blaedel
Jane S. Vink
Carol McGaughey
Mark Blaedel
Jim Mcgaughey
Rev. Beverly Hume
Mx. Judith E. Schofield
Rev. Kenneth B. Hawes
Rev. Judith L. Birch
John Stewart
Ann Herrold-Peterson
Laurel Challoner
Rev. Kevin L. Jones
Rev. Susan Angus Haller, Deacon
The Rev. Dr. Donna T. Morton
Rev. Linda Wood-Boyle
Christopher K. G. Starr
Rev. Tiffany Patterson
Henry McCarter, District Lay Leader Emeritus
Rev. Dr. Sid Hall, III
Rev. Kristen Leslie, PhD
LSM Ernest McNutt Searle III
Rev. Jun Cale
Rev. Shannon E. Sullivan
Rev. Mary Ellen Glorioso
Rev. Rebekah Forni
Laurie McNeece
Roger McNeece
Rev. Melissa Boyer
Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz
Pastor Taylor Gould
Paul W. Kirtley
Christopher Cheatum
Roger Brunell
Rev. Ryan Scott
Rev. Glenda Whitehead
Rev Charles Neal
Dr. Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee
Ann Lynn Graham, Lay Person
Pastor Randi Rocco
Rev. Brenda Wheeler Ehlers
Rev. Sara Lamar Sterling
Litsa Binder
Rev. Srephanie York Arnold
Rev. Laura Galbraith
Jade MacEwan
Rebecca Kersha
Susan Pierce
John R. Regier
Baebara Linsert
Betty Warner
Janice Bolger
Roger B. Tanquist
Rev. Dr., Mark G. Senn
Diane DeLap
Rev. John A. Duvall (retired Elder)
Rev. Kevin L. Jones
Lois Van Kirk
Rev. Doug Robinson-Johnson
Timothy Wayne Good
Steve Rooks
Emily Blaedel Johnson
Rev. Douglas A. Asbury
Rev. Linda K Morgan-Clark
Rev. Sarah Harrison-McQueen
Rev. Justin Hildebrandt
Angela Gentry
Ellen Jane Wright
Rev. David Aslesen
Rev. Stacey Gould Lanier
Joanhan Duvall
Kimberly Birsen
Linda Brock Heimer
Charolette Lill
Rev. Elizabeth Brick
Rev. Ruth Karns Atterberry
Michael Rossiter
Monica L Swink
Pam King
Carl Friend
Pastor Keith Wolf
Gwenda Sharp
Rev. Susan Ross
Mr. Royce
Timothy Barnes
Bernard Shaw
Michele Breeze
Norma Miller
Kathleen McCabe
Matthew William
Bracken Ross
Joy Culver
Susan Armstrong
Jon Fallon
Ronnie Lyall
Brian Marron
Tami Marron
Mark Draper
Darinell Dorsey
Aletrice Evans
Crystal Evans
Erishon Williams
Courtney karp
Nacy Rohr
Jane Walsh
Carol A. Muska
Janice Mayette
Laurie Gaudette
Mike Walsh
Dave Kullgren
Marlena Davis
Terri Hudak
Jill Bernard
Rev. Helen G. Taylor
Peggy Borgstede
Rev. Cathy Rafferty