Justice Everywhere.
photo credit: “Justiça Como Um Rio” by Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, Moçambique.
We who are black and our allies sing these words from Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing; “We have come over a way that with tears has been watered; we have come treading our paths through the blood of the slaughtered”. These words describe the black journey through slavery - segregation - lynching. It is because of my age 84; that I have understood that it is essential to recognize the journeys of others who have known/know oppression because of who they are. “Drum Majors For Justice (Martin Luther King) do not engage in comparisons of injustice nor discuss “equivalency”. Rather we agree with MLK; “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.
I support the Simple Plan Option after reluctantly expressing support for the “Location Option Plan” because it is proposed by my family members of the Queer Community. Who am I as a non Gay person to concede to a plan that provides a “discrimination option” for those United Methodists who do not accept the full God-given humanity of some of my family members?
I sign my name Gilbert Haven Caldwell because my preacher father and I were named for Bishop Gilbert Haven the white New Englander who was a bold proponent of racial integration and interracial marriage. I believe if he were alive today and a member of the Council of Bishops; he would be openly bold in his support of the Simple Plan.
Gil Caldwell - a.k.a. Rev. Gilbert Haven Caldwell Jr.