In Solidarity with our Brazilian Siblings
Pastoral Word of United Methodists, Brazilian Methodists, and People of Global Nature:
The humanity of the human in the mirror of God, the Christ, the Spirit /Ruah,
In the faith of who we are, the people called Methodist.
September 7, 2020
image: “Coragem” by Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, São Paulo, Brasil.
It is He whom we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom,
so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. ~Colossians 1:28
We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard,
what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—this life was revealed, and we have seen it and testify to it,
and declare to you the eternal life that was with the Creator and was revealed to us—
we declare to you what we have seen and heard
so that you also may have fellowship with us. ~1 John 1:1-3a
Grace and peace to our Methodist family in Brazil and abroad, all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA +) people, and heterosexuals in all corners of Creation.
We address you who coexist with us in this unsettling year of 2020, where life threatened in so many ways stresses the spreading of solidarity and affectionate hands, which distance themselves from those who bow down to dogmatic depths, fundamentalist readings and hermeneutics of the Divine Word. The rejection of those who are not recognized as equal in their difference and the agonized defense, and agonizing structures due to toxic and harmful postures to everyone who breathes, the diverse and creative humanity resistant to the commands of death.
We lament how many leaders in the Methodist Churches, Bishops, Pastors, and Laity, who name themselves as the church, try to hold faith in God, the Christ, in restricted readings of the Sacred text, according to the ideology they prefer, of dogmas defined in excluding morals and that which does not fit in this century called ”21”!
It doesn't fit because we discover, as people of faith, our power to develop our experience of faith, our mystical, transcendent experiences, and our religious experience without necessarily passing through a church or a religious institution.
On a daily basis we discover the possibility of our autonomy of faith, which does not necessarily have to be linked to a community or a church, to develop a spirituality. And if we remain Methodists, it is because we have learned from God's love in this Church, we have grown up, we have been taught what divinely transcends us, protects us, welcomes us with Trinitarian love, and we choose to remain Methodists.
With the same astonishment that we look at our impotence this year, facing an invisible virus that disturbs us indiscriminately with the possibility of death, with the same astonishment that we have witnessed the alliances of the Christianity that departs from the teachings of Christ with nefarious deals governed by political, economic, and corrupt powers. In this context, we experience a positive discovery, and we are amazed by the power of faith in God, in Christ, in the Spirit /Ruah that does not despise, discriminate, and does not exclude. The God who escapes from any pattern that seeks to reduce God into perverse human rules and discourses. The God who reveals Godself in our daily lives, in the faith of the most vulnerable in any part of the planet; who fall and rise, who dream, laugh and dance by faith in the God who is not reduced to any form, to any human identity, but God’s indefinable, fluid, and transforming Divine identity.
“The misguided and convenient heteronormative practice of decontextualizing half a dozen Bible verses out of more than six thousand, has been the root and fertilizer of all the violence suffered by LGBTQIA+ people.”
God's grace is available to everyone regardless of the understanding and predisposition of religious authorities, doctrinal limitations conditioned by the interests of dominant hegemonic groups. God's grace and love are always available precisely because we are who we are, not who we should be according to judges of flesh and blood. Nothing and nobody in this world has the right to categorize and limit them as "spiritual weapons", or crumbs sufficient only to those who determine themselves to be perfect, saved and chosen. God's grace, unconditional love and salvation in Christ Jesus are not merchandises to be handed out by religious leaders.
LGBTQIA + people are unconditionally compatible with the love, grace of God, and the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Jesus preached more than 35 times about the socio-economic damages caused by divorce in His day, but we have come to change our understanding and adapt to cultural developments that make it possible for people to live full-lives even after the end of a marriage. Likewise, the vast majority of Protestant denominations in the world have also adapted to the recognition of the equality of women in all operational and religious areas where men dominated exclusively for thousands of years. Therefore, what is the reason for religious leaders being so fixated on what they define as “homoaffectiveness” (a limited term illustrating the superficiality in their understanding of human sexuality)?
The misguided and convenient heteronormative practice of decontextualizing half a dozen Bible verses out of more than six thousand, has been the root and fertilizer of all the violence suffered by LGBTQIA+ people. We are witness to the scientific, sociological, and theological conclusions of more than half a century that variances to “heteronormativity” are of natural substance, not of pathological, character, or Biblical and spiritual incompatibility. In a basic analysis of human sexuality in Biblical context, we realized that polygamy is much more prevalent than the contemporary concept of monogamous heteronormativity. How many wives and concubines are attributed to David, and his son Solomon? The mother of Abraham and Sarah’'s first child was a slave to the couple. The preconceptions, persecutions, and punishments of LGBTQIA+ people and relationships are false, and physically and spiritually destructive teachings, in addition to being unbiblical doctrines.
The contradictory doctrine popularly described as "hate the sin, love the sinner" is insubstantial and indefensible. The LGBTQIA + forms of love and identities are not sinful in nature, and even if they were, what is the real possibility of separating a person's identity and actions from what we categorize as a human being? We are Christian people because we identify and act according to the Gospel of Christ, there is no Christianity without Christian people, just as there is no sin without sinful persons. Such doctrinal misunderstandings and toxic theologies are directly connected to the dehumanization and violence against LGBTQIA+ populations. Let us also remember the fact that Brazil is the country with the highest registered incidence of violence and murders of trans women in the world.
The diversity of gender identity and sexual orientation is part of the creativity and wonder of God's Creation. The posture of the global Methodist “tradition” regarding slavery, not only evolved, but also committed to the fight against slavery and racism by prophesying a better world for people of African origin, previousl seen as property, and inferior to their slave owners. The world Methodist tradition has evolved at least theoretically and legislatively in its understanding of the role of women in religious ministries and social status. Therefore, what is the reason for religious leaders being so fixated on what they define as “homoaffectiveness” (a limited term illustrating the superficiality in their understanding of human sexuality)?
The Wesleyan Quadrilateral encourages us to balance supremacy and our diverse Biblical interpretations, with traditions (including contemporary ones), our intellectual capacity, and personal experience. Words sometimes lead to demons and need to be exorcised. The Scriptures (in lower and upper case) behave almost biologically: they make their camps, close their borders and fight strangers. They fear movement, changes. The Scriptures claim solid identities and hegemony, when in reality they are based on earthquakes. The pillars of sexual identity, seen in quicksand. Apostle Paul referred to this when he said, in his language from more than 21 centuries, that the letter kills, the spirit quickens. The letter fears the plural, the restless, hence the need for new hermeneutics, other views and understanding of the Scriptures.
The sentencing to castration in form of forced celibacy, or the eternal condemnation of LGBTQIA+ people by religious leaders is a contradiction to the Gospel of Christ, the grace and love of God, and an affront to the power of the Holy Spirit to transform religious leaders and institutions to go beyond their human preconceptions and limitations.
The lethal consequences of patriarchal, neocolonial, heteronormative, LBTQIAphobic, sexist, and misogynistic practices are directly associated with dogmas and doctrines, fundamentalist biblical readings, and restricted theologies that reject, condemn, dehumanize, and punish LGBTQIA + people. That's why we protest! We demonstrate our indignation at any document written or recorded in videos or social networks that persecute us, prohibit us, and claim that we cannot believe, we cannot exist, we cannot experience our faith in community.
We do not accept the arguments of the document published as Palavra Pastoral do Colégio Episcopal da Igreja Metodista do Brasil (Word of the Episcopal College of the Methodist Church of Brazil) that cling to ossified ideas about the nature of the world, sexuality, sin, human nature, and do not observe the lethal implications of what they claim. When the Gospel of John states that: “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14) We recognize the radicalism of the incarnation: God inhabits the flesh, the tangible body, which makes everything subject to change, nothing can be absolute and immutable. Because the flesh is the human, the finite, the changes. But it is also at this point, in the flesh of the body, that we feel hunger, pleasure, pain, the joy of faith, and everything we desire, bursting into the diversity of the flesh.
“The contradictory doctrine popularly described as ‘hate the sin, love the sinner’ is insubstantial and indefensible.”
When we affirm that God is changeable, we recognize God’s perennial being, God’s eternity, but that far from creating the same yesterday, the same today, and the same tomorrow, God is dynamic and motivates us to look forward, head-on, with spiritedness in the challenges that our now and our future impose on us. With acute senses throughout the world, our complex existence, allowing Creation to lead us in a beautiful spiral dance with the human-divine.
We declare our faith publicly. We declare how we are in our being, in our diverse humanity. We are not ashamed of ourselves and the Gospel. Because the Divine God plunged into flesh and blood, choosing to be a body, humanly a body. What we believe, what we witness is not abominable seeds or genetically modified seeds. But we affirm Christ in His mystery of the Incarnation with which we identify.
Those of us who are Methodists, we are by choice, in the certainty that we also hear the call of God who chose us as we are to follow God in faith. Many of us, born Methodists, grew up in homes, Methodist families, where our parents, our grandparents, guided us to Sunday School and to attend Worship, Bible Studies, prayer meetings. We learned to be tithe payers, to offer our lives and bodies as a sacred temple. We learned acts of solidarity, of voluntary services, and to donate what we have to the church's social actions, in favor of those in need. Our parents taught us the good of being Methodists and of communion - common union - at the Lord's Supper. That is why we profess our Faith and welcome it with love and as a gift. But we cannot reject our essence, our sacred pulse in our body. Therefore, no bishop, pastor, or lay person will have superior authority over that of God Godself who embraces us with Divine love, who says: Come! And live in us.
In unconditional love, infinite and unlimited grace from God, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, we invite everyone who wants to sign this document in recognition of our right to be Methodists, following Christ.
Dr. Ana Claudia, Theologian, and CFO of the UM University of Angola
Dr. Genilma Boehler, GBGM Missionary
Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, UMC Elder in Full-Connection, USA
Rev. M Barclay, Director of enfleshed
Rev. William Ranney, Aboundant, Clergy Iowa Annual Conference
Rev. Lois McCullen Parr, Clergy Northern Illinois Conference
Katie Kuntz-Wineland, MDiv, West Ohio Annual Conference
Joy Butler, Laity (elected officer), Saint John's UMC, Rio Texas Annual Conference
Adrian Hill, Laity, General Conference Delegate, Northern Illinois Conference
Alexandre Pupo, Leigo, Articulação Inclusão Metodista Igreja Metodista em Vila Mariana, 3ª Região, BR Denis Cáceres, Leigo, BR
Denise Botelho, Iyalorixa Ile Ase Alagbede Orun, Líder de Org., Recife, BR
Isabella Marques, Leigo, BR
Mónica Treviño, Ciudad de México, México
Regina Gouveia, Leigo, espiritualista, Educação Pública, Recife, BR
Valesca Athayde, Leiga, Igreja Metodista Izabela Hendrix, Belo Horizonte, BR
Luci Mari Castro Leite Jorge, Mestrado em Docência Universitária, Tesoureira da Igreja Metodista, Niterói/Canoas-RS, BR
Horizontina Canfield, Prof. Mestre em Educação, Leiga, Metodista/2a.região, RS, BR
Rev. Scott Summerville, United Methodist Elder, retired, NY Annual Conference
Rev. Lea Matthews, St. Paul & St. Andrew, Clergy, New York Annual Conference
Rev. Amy E. DeLong, Love Prevails Clergy, Wisconsin Annual Conference
Rev. Andrea Brown, Grandview United Methodist Church, lead pastor Clergy Eastern Pennsylvania
Rev. Janet Gollery McKeithen, The Church in Ocean Park, Senior Pastor Clergy, Org. Leader Cal-Pac
Ann Jacob, MDiv., Edmonds UMC Lay Pastoral, General Conference Delegate Pacific Northwest
Rev. Melissa Boyer, Clergy, New York Annual Conference, USA
Rev. Timothy Kobler, Wesley Foundation at the University of Michigan, Michigan Annual Conference
Rev. Laura Young
Rev. Ralph Merante, Retired Elder, New York Annual Conference
Sophia Gamber, Laity, New York Annual Conference
Rev. Martha E. Vink, Brewster and Drew United Methodist Churches, New York Annual Conference
Rev. Ira Robison, Retired Elder in Full Connection, Mountain Sky Conference
Mr. George J Schofield III, Laity, First UMC, Phoenixville, Eastern Pennsylvania, USA
Rev. Sean McRoberts, Clergy, Iowa Annual Conference
Laurence Nelson, CLM, Gouldsboro UMC, Clergy Candidate, Susquehanna Annual Conference
Pastor Dawn Chastler
Rev. Kathleen Reynolds, First UMC of Coxsackie, New York Annual Conference
Mr. Ernest M Searle III, Laity, Elmhurst
Rev. April Hall, Kenai/North Star UMC, Alaska Annual Conference
Dr. Ibrahim Sundiata, Union Methodist Boston, Laity, Boston, MA
Rev. Matt Schaeffer, Bethel United Methodist Church, Staten Island, NY, USA
Rev. Dr. Traci West, Prof. of Ethics and African American Studies, Drew Theological School, NJ, New York Conference
Kerm Towler, National UMC, Co-Chair of the Reconciling Committee, Laity, Baltimore-Washington Conference
Mrs. Linda Brown, Reno
Rev. Michael Patzloff, Faith United Methodist Church, Clergy Glendale
Deacon Grant Swanson, Urban Village Church, Chicago
Rev. Kimberly Scott, Desert Southwest Annual Conference
Ravi Roelfs, Laity, Wisconsin Annual Conference, General Conference Delegate, USA
Rev. Dr. Pat MacHugh, Weston United Methodist Church, Senior Pastor, New England
Rev. Richard Hibbert, Burlington
Kay Knowlton, Laity, North Alabama Annual Conference
Melinda Cree-Anthony, MDiv, BCC Chaplain, Clergy, Iowa
Rev. Alka Lyall, Northern Illinois, General Conference Delegate, USA
Rev. Ellen Bridge, Peoples UMC, New England Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. Rick Schlosser, California Council of Churches, Executive Director/CEO, Org. Leader California/Nevada
JJ Stewart
Rev. Judith Baskin, Río Texas Annual Conference
Mr. Craig Rutherford, Laity, St John's UMC, Lubbock, North West Texas Annual Conference
Catherine McNeill, CLM, Laity, New England Annual Conference
Litsa Binder, Laity, Sparta United Methodist Church, Sparta, Civic Leader Greater New Jersey Annual Conference
Laurence Nelson, CLM, Gouldsboro UMC, Clergy Candidate Susquehanna Conference
Rev. Dr. R. Stephen Newnum, UMC, Board of Global Ministries, Igreja Metodista Brasil, Clergy Indiana
Dr. Sam Winfrey, PhD., Laity, Chair of Board of Trustees, UM Church of The Village, New York, USA
Ruth Ketchum, Laity, First UMC, Escondido, California-Pacific Annual Conference, USA
Rev. Paul Mitchell, Vashon United Methodist Church, Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
Kipp Nelson, M.Div., Clergy Candidate, Florida Annual Conference
Maria Newnum, MTh, Igreja Metodista, Sexta Região, Brasil
Gordon Kahre, Laity, Murrieta UMC
Rev. Brian Carter, Iowa Methodist Federation for Social Action, Treasurer, Iowa Annual Conference
Judith S. Loukides, Laity, Connecticut, USA
Pastor Bob Klein, Trinity UMC, Yuma, Desert Southwest Annual Conference
Rev. Susan Ross, Oklahoma Annual Conference
Dr. Martha Banks, Laity, General Conference Delegate, East Ohio Annual Conference
Mr. Roger Tanquistm, Laity, Pacific North Wwest Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. H. Ward Greer, Clergy, Org. Leader Wilmington, Delaware Annual Conference
Adam Marshall-Lopez, MDiv., Clergy Candidate, California-Pacific Annual Conference
Rev. Margo Friend, West Virginia and Garett County, Maryland Annual Conference
Kay Knowlton, Laity, North Alabama Annual Conference
Julia Frisbie, Laity, Anacortes
Rev. Janet Eggleston, Galena, Illinois Annual Conference
Kathleen Harrington, Laity, Saint John's UMC, Austin, Rio Texas Annual Conference
Dr. Mary Cheng, Laity, California Nevada Annual Conference
J.J. Warren
Ms. Melissa Miles, Laity New England
Rev. Billie Blair, Great Plains Annual Conference
Rev. Markus Jung, Nuremberg District Superintendent, General Conference Delegate, South Conference, Germany
Frank Baker, Laity, Greater New Jersey Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Good, Calvary Church, New England Annual Conference
Leon Perkins Rus, Laity, New York Annual Conference
Rev. Marguerite Jhonson, New York Annual Conference
Mr. Gary Shephard, Laity, Central Texas Conference
Mary Lou Taylor, Ph.D., Laity, Love Prevails
Colleen McRoberts, Laity, Iowa Annual Conference
Barbara Stinson, Laity, New York Annual Conference
Don McCammon, First United Methodist Missoula, Laity, General Conference Delegate Mountain Sky (Legacy Yellowstone), Montana, USA
Sue Kratochvil, Lay Leader, Cedar Creek UMC, Rio Texas
Dr. Otto Onasch
Diane Miller, Laity
Rev. Dr. Doug Wingeier, Michigan Annual Conference
Gerald Kennedy, Laity, Collegiate UMC and Wesley Foundation Ames, Iowa Annual Conference
Rev Glynden Bode, Texas Annual Conference
Rev. Rick Edwards, New York Annual Conference
Rev. Mary Klaehn, Desert Southwest Conference
Rev. Kay Barckley, University Temple UMC, Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
Rev Linda Butler, Iowa Annual Conference
Toby Johnson, Wesleyan Methodist, Sterling Wesley UMC, Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Rev. Debbie Weatherspoon
Rev. Rob Hernan, Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference
Heather Johnson, Laity, Sterling Wesley UMC, Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Rev. Gilberto Amaro Clergy Candidate Conferencia Anual de México
Dr. Richard Gentzler Clergy, Org. Leader Susquehanna Conference
Frances Lyon-Dugin, PhD., Laity
Mary Longstreth, Laity, Deaconess, CCW, MSW, Indiana Annual Conference
Rev. Ryan Scott, Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Rev. Tracy Cook, Upper New York Conference Annual Conference
Heather Johnson, Laity, Sterling Wesley UMC, Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Gloria Grant, Laity, Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Danny Tullier, Laity, St. Elmo UMC, Holston Conference Sunday School teacher, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Rev. Anna Voinovich, Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Valeria Leyva Jaimes, Lay Leader, Wisconsin Annual Conference
Rev. Gilberto Amaro, Clergy Candidate, Conferencia Anual de México
Rev. Sara Lamar-Sterling, New York Annual Conference
Edward Andersen, Laity, Sterling Wesley UMC, Northern Illinois Annual Conference
Rev. Gilberto Amaro, Clergy Candidate Conferencia Anual de México
Dr. Bill Mefford Executive Director, The Festival Center Laity Washington DC
Rev. Joan Frost, Wisconsin Annual Conference
Rita Carter, Laity, Iowa Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. Rick Schlosser, Executive Director/CEO, California Council of Churches, California/Nevada Annual Conference
Rev. Vivian Ruth Waltz, Hamburg, Upper New York Annual Conference
Bridget Cabrera, MDiv., Executive Director Laity, Methodist Federation for Social Action
Rev. Susanna Weslie Southard, Tulsa
Rev. Leigh Goodrich, Faith UMC, South Burlington, New England Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Good, Calvary Church, New England Annual Conference
Rev. Tracy Cook, Clergy Upper New York Annual Conference
Rev. Kayla Kelly, Central Methodist University and Wesley Chapel Campus Chaplain & Pastor, Missouri AC
Rev. Dr. Lyda Pierce, United Methodist, Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
Rev. VIcki Woods
Dr. Nicolás Panotto Leigo, Líder Cívico
Prof. Dr. André Musskopf, Líder Cívico
Dra. Marilú Rojas Salazar, Ciudad de México
Joe Swingle, MSc., VicePresidente Ministerio Amor sin Frontera de Costa Rica, Presidente Paradigm Speech and Language Ministerio Amor sin Fronteras de Costa Rica, Funcionário de Junta Geral, Heredia, Costa Rica
Pastor Hugo Oquendo-Torres, Iglesia Colombiana Metodista, Piedra Viva-Pereira, Candidato ao Clerico, Colombia.
Tania Tamez Grenda, C.S.M., Comunión Mexicana de Iglesias Reformadas y Presbiterianas, Red de Mujeres Libres en Cristo Candidato ao Clerico Iztacalco, Mexico
Sra. Beatriz Araneta, Leigo, Madrid
Lupita Chávez Lupita Chávez, Comunidad Teologica de México; Centro Bíblico Apostólico, AC Mexico
Dr. Violeta Rocha, Leigo, Nicaragua, Managua
Pedro Chaverri, Líder de Org., San Jose, Costa Rica
Isolina Centeno
Presbítero Luis Camilo Laborde Brugés, Iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana, Pastor Oficiais Leigos, Bogotá, Colombia
Drew Konow, University of Texas, USA
Pastor Jhon Botia Miranda, Redconciliarte e Iglesia Metodista de Bogotá, Colombia
Priscila Barredo, Red TEPALI, Integrante del equipo coordinador, Lima, Perú
Rev. Dr. Luiz Carlos Ramos Capela da Serra, Jundiai, SP, Brasil
Líder Fabio Hernando Meneses Guerrero, Oficiais Leigos, Diario de un Cristiano Gay, Iglesia Colombiana Metodista, Colombia
Miller Díaz Valderrama, Leigo Bogotá, Colombia
Pastor Enrique Vega-Dávila, Comunidad Cristiana Ecuménica Inclusiva El Camino, Mexico City
Diác. Ing. Tito Andrés Maturana, Iglesia Presbiteriana Comunidad de Esperanza
Rev. Joel Rodríguez, United Methodist Church, Greater Northwest Episcopal Area, Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
Victor Villegas Damian, Conferencia Anual de México
Rev. Dr. Carmen M. Gaud, Pensilvania, USA
Professora Liséte Couto, Leigo, São Bernardo do Campo, Brasil
Licenciado Harold Romero, Iglesia de Cristo, Líder de Org., Nandasmo, Masaya
Lic. Betsabeth Condor, Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, Leigo, Lima, Peru
Loreto Fernández, Leigo, Chile
Rev. Dr. Tércio B. Junker, Northern Illinois Conference, USA
Rev. Teresa Santillana, retired clergy, CAL-PAC Conference, Seminario Teológico Wesleyano in Lima, Peru
Rev. Alicia Julia-Stanley, First UMC Shamokin, Co-chair of Commission on Religion and Race, Eastern PA Conference, Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference
Ann LeBouef Laity, Sevierville
Bill Howell Laity, Tennessee
Janet Knight Laity, Belmont UMC, Tennessee Conference, Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Dra. Luzmila Quezada, Líder de Org., Iglesia Wesleyana Peregrina, Lima, Perú
Rev. Zeni Lima Soares, São Paulo, Brasil
Cecilia Castillo Nanjarí, Leiga feminista pentecostal
Patricia Hermosilla Jerez Azul, Leigo
Professor Luiz Alves, Líder Cívico, São Paulo, Brasil
Rev. Nelson Celis, Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Colombia
Rev. Dra Luzmila Quezada, Líder Cívico, Lima, Perú
Anne Schlüter
Jim Hodgson, Leigo, Toronto, Canada
Directora Stacy Velasquez, Leigo, Líder Cívico, OTRANS-RN, Estado laico, Ciudad de Guatemala
Dr. Esteban Quiroz González, abogado, laico, bloguero chileno, Líder Cívico, Santiago, Chile
Yonatan Matheus, Líder de Org.
Sandra Antonia Zambrano, Activista de derechos humanos LGBTI de Honduras, Asociación APUVIMEH de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Professor Vanderley Leite, Leigo, São Paulo, Brasil
M.C. Nelson, MDiv., Clergy, Kingston Springs, Tennessee
Rev. Walter Lockhart, IV, Minnesota Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. Bob Milsom, St. James UMC, New York Annual Conference
Honorable Patrick España, Bothell United Methodist Church, USA
Rev. Johanne Dame, Retired Elder, New England Conference
Rev. Dr. Rachael Lawrence, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Suzanne Hewitt, United Methodist Women, Program Advisory Group, Laity, Grand Rapids, Michigan Conference
Rev. Ellen Rasmussen Brown Deer UMC, Brown Deer, Wisconsin Annual Conference
Rev. Terri Jane Stewart Milton UMC, USA
Pastor Gina Pollard, City Square Church, Desert Southwest Annual Conference
Rev. Ann Hutchens Florida Annual Conference
Ian Urriola , MDiv., Laity, Upper New York Annual Conference
Jane Vink, Mary Taylor Memorial UMC, Milford, CT, Laity, New York Annual Conference
Rev. Dr. Robin Dease, UMC Hartsville, District Superintendent, South Carolina Annual Conference
Nancy Allen, Laity, Kaaterskill UMC, elected officer New York Annual Conference
Prof. Juan Fonseca, Comunidad Cristiana Ecuménica Inclusiva El Camino, Oficiais Leigos, Lima, Perú
Lisa Padilla, Field Organizer, Gender Justice, SWOP’s Con Mujeres Gender Justice, Líder Cívico, Líder de Org. New Mexico, USA
Rev. Dr. Frank Trotter, UM pastor in full connection, retired, Townson, MD, Cal-Pac Annual Conference
Alex Carney, MDiv., Laity, USA
Rev. Mark Monson Alley, Maine, New England Annual Conference
Rev. Sonia Brum, Atlanta, GA, South Carolina Annual Conference
Elaine Bell, Laity
Susan McKinney, Laity, Oxford, Wisconsin, USA
Horacio Mesones, Leigo, Parroquia Unida Emanuel, Argentina
Rev. Octavio Alves dos Santos Filho, Aposentado, Igreja em São Miguel Paulista, SP, Brasil
Ruth A. Daugherty, Laity, Grandview UMC, Lancaster, East Pennsylvania Annual Conference
Chuck Carroll, Laity (elected officer), Stewart, Ohio, USA
Dr. Martha Banks, Laity (elected officer), Fairlawn, East Ohio Conference
Sibele Alexandra Magalhães, Membra, Metodista em Vila Mariana, SP, Frederico Westphalen, RS, Brazil
Anonymous Transgender, Non-Methodist
Pastor Russell Goodman, UMC Susquehanna Conference
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image: “Paz e Desenvolvimento” by Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, Beira, Moçambique.